Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Well, I never promised to blog everyday but I had no idea that I would go 6 months between posts! A lot has happened in my absense from the blogging world. In May, I graduated with a degree in Early Childhood Education from Brenau University. I began working as a librarian in the children's department at my local library. The biggest news by far, however, is that Josh and I are expecting! I'm in my 13th week and starting to feel like myself again. We are so excited and I can't wait to share some of the experiences we've had from the past few months!

I am feeling very blessed now. For the first time in 3 years, I feel like I can breath and relax. Before graduation, my life was a jumble of work and school. I'd work with preschoolers all day and then go to class for 4 long hours 3 to 4 times a week. Don't get me wrong, I LOVED my life. I loved seeing those sweet tiny faces everyday. But life was crazy! Now, as I said before, I'm working in a library. I have no classes to prepare for or get to. I went from days filled with screaming and unpredictablity to days of calm and restfulness. My evenings are filled with reading and making dinners as opposed to homework and classes.

My hope is that due to my new found freedom, I will find more time to craft and share my projects here. Soon we will begin working on the baby's nursery and I can't wait to share that. I've also decided to make a quilt for the baby. I realized that I wanted something to do in preperation for this little one and a quilt seemed like the perfect idea. Hopefully, I'll be able to share this project and inspire someone to pick up a neddle and thread!

Hope all is well with you!